2021 XC90 T6 AWD Inscription 7-Seater2021 XC90 T6 AWD Inscription 7-Seater


Volvo  T6 AWD Inscription 7-Seater
Volvo  T6 AWD Inscription 7-Seater
Volvo  T6 AWD Inscription 7-Seater
Volvo  T6 AWD Inscription 7-Seater
Volvo  T6 AWD Inscription 7-Seater
Volvo  T6 AWD Inscription 7-Seater
Volvo  T6 AWD Inscription 7-Seater
Volvo  T6 AWD Inscription 7-Seater
Volvo  T6 AWD Inscription 7-Seater
Volvo  T6 AWD Inscription 7-Seater
Volvo  T6 AWD Inscription 7-Seater
Volvo  T6 AWD Inscription 7-Seater
Volvo  T6 AWD Inscription 7-Seater
Volvo  T6 AWD Inscription 7-Seater
Volvo  T6 AWD Inscription 7-Seater
Volvo  T6 AWD Inscription 7-Seater
Volvo  T6 AWD Inscription 7-Seater
Volvo  T6 AWD Inscription 7-Seater
Volvo  T6 AWD Inscription 7-Seater
Volvo  T6 AWD Inscription 7-Seater
Volvo  T6 AWD Inscription 7-Seater
Volvo  T6 AWD Inscription 7-Seater
Volvo  T6 AWD Inscription 7-Seater
Volvo  T6 AWD Inscription 7-Seater
Volvo  T6 AWD Inscription 7-Seater
Volvo  T6 AWD Inscription 7-Seater
Volvo  T6 AWD Inscription 7-Seater
Volvo  T6 AWD Inscription 7-Seater
Volvo  T6 AWD Inscription 7-Seater
Volvo  T6 AWD Inscription 7-Seater
Volvo  T6 AWD Inscription 7-Seater
Volvo  T6 AWD Inscription 7-Seater
Volvo  T6 AWD Inscription 7-Seater
Volvo  T6 AWD Inscription 7-Seater
Volvo  T6 AWD Inscription 7-Seater
Volvo  T6 AWD Inscription 7-Seater
Volvo  T6 AWD Inscription 7-Seater
Volvo  T6 AWD Inscription 7-Seater
Volvo  T6 AWD Inscription 7-Seater
Volvo  T6 AWD Inscription 7-Seater
Volvo  T6 AWD Inscription 7-Seater
Volvo  T6 AWD Inscription 7-Seater
Volvo  T6 AWD Inscription 7-Seater
Volvo  T6 AWD Inscription 7-Seater
Volvo  T6 AWD Inscription 7-Seater
Volvo  T6 AWD Inscription 7-Seater
Volvo  T6 AWD Inscription 7-Seater
Volvo  T6 AWD Inscription 7-Seater
Volvo  T6 AWD Inscription 7-Seater
Volvo  T6 AWD Inscription 7-Seater
25 Pictures

Price disclaimer: Sales taxes, license and other fees are not included in the prices shown. Mileage recorded at time of listing.
Notice: cpo.volvocars.ca attempts to update retailer inventory on a daily basis, however, neither Volvo nor retailer can guarantee that the inventory shown will be available at the showroom. We make every effort to provide you with the most accurate, up-to-the-minute information however it is your responsibility to verify with your retailer that the details are correct. We cannot be responsible for typographical and other errors, including data transmission or software errors that may appear on the site. If the posted price, incentive, offer or other service is incorrect due to typographical error your local retailer is only responsible to honour the correct price, incentive or offer.
Mileage disclaimer: Actual rating will vary with options, driving conditions, habits and vehicle condition.

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57,934 km
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Vehicle equipment
The XC90 T6 Inscription boasts a sophisticated design with elegant lines,distinctive LED headlights,and a bold front grille. Inside,the cabin is a sanctuary of luxury,featuring Nappa leather seats,genuine wood inlays,and a panoramic sunroof that creates a sense of airiness and space. Powering the XC90 T6 is a potent yet efficient turbocharged and supercharged engine,delivering an impressive 316 horsepower. The advanced all-wheel-drive system ensures confidence-inspiring performance in all conditions,while maintaining excellent fuel efficiency. Stay connected and entertained with the XC90's Sensus infotainment system,which features a large touchscreen display,Apple CarPlay,and Android Auto integration. The SUV also comes equipped with Volvo's advanced safety features,including Pilot Assist semi-autonomous driving and City Safety collision avoidance technology. The XC90 T6 Inscription offers a first-class driving experience,with heated and ventilated front seats,four-zone climate control,and a premium Bowers & Wilkins sound system. Every aspect of the interior is designed to provide unparalleled comfort and convenience. Immerse yourself in luxury and sophistication with the 2021 Volvo XC90 T6 Inscription. Visit us at Jim Pattison Volvo Cars Surrey to test drive this exceptional SUV and discover a new level of driving pleasure.Price does not include $595 documentation,$695 used car finance placement fee or taxes. D#30601Price does not include $595 documentation,$695 used car finance placement fee or taxes. D#30601 Price does not include $595 documentation,$695 used car finance placement fee or taxes. D#30601
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